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R markdown error: knit to pdf, version of "xfun"
The knit process to PDF stopped with the following message
Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) :
namespace 'xfun' 0.22 is already loaded, but &g...
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Answers: 0
How to setup a permanent WMI subscription which includes a dynamic condition?
I want to create a permanent WMI subscription to start a script every time a defined trigger gets fired. Here I would like to react when the Citrix RTT is above a given threshold. Here a regular PS-co...
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Answers: 0
Python Citrix Sharefile Token Request giving 400 error
I am trying to make a simple request to get the access token from Citrix ShareFile, but it's throwing 400 error.
I am going exactly as it's mentioned in the documentation, except changing Python2 code...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Powershell - How to programatically move and resize Citrix windows
I've searched through the entire internet twice ;) but still haven't found a solution to my issue.
I have created a powershell script to place open windows where I want them to be on the desktop, it w...
Tom-Inge Nilsen
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Answers: 1