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Center gridview with autogenrerate columns and js script to make header static
Need help centering the gridview on page
the gridview has autogeneratecolumns
I have js script to make the header static with scroll
I have only managed to get the headers being centered but not the d...
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I can't get my <img> tags to center inside of my grid
I'm attempting to code my first website from scratch and I have found myself stuck on this problem for the last day. I am trying to center the logos for my mobile view. I have them placed correctly in...
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Answers: 1
how to make TextField hintText vertical center?
i tried many methods.
textAlign: TextAlign.Center
contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0)
but they are useless.
enter image description here
child: Container(
hom Json
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Answers: 1
how do I separate (they are stacked over each other) and center items within a div so that there are equal spaces between them
I made 4 separate circles to test out conic gradients, I want to center them so that they are equally spaced, but they are all stacked over each other so they kinda just move in one unit.
my HTML:
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Answers: 1