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Merge Two Datasets with Different Number of Variables per Timestep Using CDO
I am analyzing a time series of data that is split by time into two NetCDF files (infiles). These files have a different number of variables/fields, by design. Traditionally I have been using Climate ...
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Answers: 1
How to plot ensemble models mean?
#read data
dset = xr.open_mfdataset('/home/users/ruoou/projects/data/cmip6/scenaromip/ssp126/tas/*'+ mod+ '*.nc', parallel=True)
#define timescale
time = dset.time
clim_set_t = dset.sel(time=slice(&q...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Creating Land Mask with randomPoints Error
I am trying to create a background land mask for my data. All of the questions I've seen are for CDO, which I cannot get to load into my R Studio (package ‘cdo’ is not available (for R version 4.0.2))...
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Answers: 0
Calculate daily precipitation between 12pm and 12pm of the other day
I have a .nc file that contains data every 1 hour of precipitation, my interest is to add the daily precipitation. But for this I have to take into account the precipitation between 12 pm on one day a...
Fernando Primo Forgioni
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Answers: 1