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Git - Rename All Default Branches
I use Gitlab for source control. Gitlab recently made the switch to using main as the default branch for new repositories, as described here, which is fine, and I've adjusted my development environmen...
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Answers: 1
I want to create a bug whenever my build pipeline fails in azure devops. And i want to have it configured for a particular branch
I want to have my build pipeline configured such a way that when ever my pipeline fails there is a bug created for the same. I cannot find an option to select this configuration for a particular branc...
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Answers: 1
how to creat dynamic link using branch api
I want to create a dynamic link with user_id using branch link api in braze.
The link is being created, but it's falling to the app, not the fallback url I want. What's wrong with that?
{% connected_c...
jihyun lee
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Answers: 0
How to get Windows scheduler and Batch File to run only the Master Git Branch
I have a python program doing a query and some data manipulation that is run every 5 minutes through a batch file and windows scheduler. I want to also start using Git and Github for better version co...
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Answers: 0