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Python - for-loop does not enter correct argument for boolean parameter
I am trying to generate a for-loop in Python that should classify any number as prime/not prime. The suggested command is:
def prime_checker(number):
is_prime = True
for n in range(2, number):
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Answers: 3
Is this a scenario where a java boolean can be null? Why does this code compile?
We recently ran into a bug in production that I found to be very interesting. My longtime understanding is that a Java boolean can only be false, or true. However, it seems in a Ternary Operator it ...
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Answers: 1
how can I toggle a boolean parameter in javascript?
I want to toggle a value called 'session' and then, update this value.
i've tried to do session=!session, but that didn't work.
session is a parameter inside a object, this object are displayed on my ...
Antônio Víctor Gonçalves Dias
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Answers: 1
i need to output the final part of my JAVA program which is just a game over string , how can i insert it?
these is my program i need to output "game over" if the user enter the string no instead of yes, right now it only works with the yes but i dont know how to add the other option the game is ...
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Answers: 0