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airflow on kubernetes: how to load dag files from local filesystem?
i want to install airflow for my k8s cluster. I tried to use the bitnami repo but i want to know how to load dag files from my local filesystem.
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Answers: 1
Unable to connect to Kafka on Kubernetes externally
I have deployed kafka on minikube by following
I'm able to create kafka topics, publish and consume messages from...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Keycloak stops without any reason using Bitnami Helm chart
I am trying to deploy a keycloak server with a postgres database attached using the bitnami helm chart configured as follows with flux.
kind: HelmRelease
Paul Barrié
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Answers: 1
Terraform copies but (cloud-init) doesn't run user_data script on Bitnami EC2 instance
I'm trying to have Terraform run my bash script after deploying my Bitnami EC2 instance (AMI: ami-0f185ef928bf37528). I can find the file at /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-001 but it isn't being...
Bryce York
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Answers: 1