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Packing a 40 byte SHA in 20 bytes in Clojure
To pack a 40 byte SHA in 20 bytes, we are doing this:
(defn pack-sha-1 [sha-1]
(->> sha-1
(partition 2)
(map (partial apply str)) ;; To convert back to list of strings
Suvrat Apte
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Answers: 2
Are there bit (un)packing instructions in common x86_64 processor line mmx command for bytes?
dead hachers!
Maybe you know mmx packing/unpacking instruction set, what howewer works on bytes and larger volumes, like shorts, words, etc.
Are there any instructions for any x8...
Peter Tschischik
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
How do I optimise numpy.packbits with numba?
I'm trying to optimise numpy.packbits:
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
def _numba_pack(arr, div, su):
for i in prange(div):
s = 0
for j in r...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1