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Building a City/Country Search box. Can Bing API support this?
I'm currently building a search box for a mobile app that can search for a Country/ State/ Country. I'm currently looking for APIs that can support this... An option for me would be the Google Places ...
Hope Estheim
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Bing maps Rest API objects not the same
I need to create an API services that calls Bing maps Rest API gets Address, Elevation and latitude and longitude values.
I see that there a Autosuggest that returns an Address object, I also see you ...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Android: Bing Maps API - ZOOM IN programmatically
I need to make default scale of
MapView map = new MapView(this, MapRenderMode.VECTOR);
twice as large (zoom in). I'm using Android Java, no JS
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Android: Bing Maps API - how to handle Pushpin click?
I have
MapView map = new MapView(this, MapRenderMode.VECTOR);
MapIcon pushpin = new MapIcon();
MapElementLayer mPinLayer = new MapElementLayer();
Votes: 0
Answers: 1