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IEEEtran: spaces between words in title
I have this bib item and I am using IEEEtran as a bibliographystyle. I have used the default IEEEtran.bst and IEEEtran.cls. I am not sure, if I need both but I have tried all variations.
purple monkey
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Answers: 1
Citations in Latex not working using biber backend and biblatex
I am working on a presentation and for some reason, none of my citations are working. I have created presentations with Latex before and never encountered this problem.
The following is a minimal exam...
J. Grünenwald
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Answers: 0
APS citation style in latex
How do I use the APS citation style in latex? I cannot find any templates, let alone information if I need to use any specific package or bibliographystyle. Also, do I need bibtex or biblatex?
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Answers: 1
Is there a way to redefine the bibliography output in biblatex w/ apacite citestyle? The german translation seems to be wrong
I am trying to create a bibliography for my thesis using biblatex with the APA-citestyle. I also use the babel with german option since my thesis is in German.
My bibfile looks like this:
% literature...
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Answers: 1