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Bellman-Ford vs. Dijkstra graph density
I was testing the two algorithms and Bellman-Ford performed better on sparse graphs and looking at the big-O analysis of both, O(VE) for Bellman-Ford and O(E + V lg V) for Dijkstra's. I believe this i...
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Answers: 2
In SPFA Shortest Path Faster Algorithm why does it have to check if current vertex is in queue before adding it to queue?
procedure Shortest-Path-Faster-Algorithm(G, s)
1 for each vertex v ≠ s in V(G)
2 d(v) := ∞
3 d(s) := 0
4 push s into Q
5 while Q is not empty do
6 u := poll Q
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Answers: 2
algorithm for single source shortest path problem
we are given a directed graph G = (V, E) with positive and negative edge weights, but no cycles. Let s ∈ V be a given source vertex. How to find an algorithm that finds distance of all vertices from s...
Saeed Diab
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Answers: 1
Can Bellman-Ford algorithm handle positive cycles?
I am currently studying the Bellman-Ford algorithm and a doubt popped up. From what I learned the Bellman-Ford algorithm creates the shortest path from its sources, if perhaps there is a negative cycl...
Luca Girotti
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Answers: 2