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How to scan barcode lines with VARCHAR Chars For example OfficeEqp35023U11 In android Kotlin
How to scan barcode lines with VARCHAR Chars For example OfficeEqp35023U11 In android Kotlin
Struggling to scan this asset image
Struggling to scan this asset image
class BarcodeScannerActivity : App...
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Request camera access each time my QR scanner runs
I am using the following code to develop a qrcode scanner (source:
function onScanSuccess(decodedText, decodedResult) {
console.log('Code matched =...
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Answers: 1
Scanner misread with SerialPort class
time to time scanner are misreading barcodes. barcodes are in AN 8 standard. after scanning barcode it showing not the exact one but some from already scanned in the past. check sum is enabled. Reader...
Enoq Samsonyan
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Answers: 1
ML Kit Barcode Scanning doesn't detect QR codes in the photo of the monitor screen
I am using to detect QR codes in the pictures.
After getting URI from the gallery I create InputImage and then process this image with BarcodeScanner to find Q...
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Answers: 1