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Can't pause slideshow with cleartimeout
So I'm learning javascript and I'm currently working on an assignment where I need to create a banner that cycles through multiple images with a pause button, problem is, I can't seem to pause it with...
Fábio Santos
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Ansible: Can you register the Linux banner without logging in?
I'm trying to capture the linux banner you see before you login to a Linux server - using Ansible. I don't want to login to the server, just get the banner. I was hoping to use register to save it, th...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
ssh: suppress Banners of Jumphosts
Gday Everyone,
i am using ssh with jumphost(s).
ssh -J zone1-jumphost zone2-target
or .ssh/config:
HOST zone1-* zone2-* !zone1-jumphost
ProxyJump zone1-jumphost
All servers (jumphost(s) and targe...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
USING Ellucian Banner API
I'm attempting to use a Banner API Call.
per the documentation the create call looks like this.
PROCEDURE p_create(
p_pidm gorimmu.gorimmu_pidm%TYPE,
p_immu_code ...
Victor Swindell
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Answers: 1