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How to deploy a KinD cluster in a docker swarm
I have deployed a docker swarm to Azure following the instructions in the quickstart guide. I also set up an ssh tunnel using the command from the quickstart:
ssh -L 2375:swarm-master-0:2375 -N userna...
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list of map required for loabdbalancer rules specs
I have a terraform tfvars.json file as like below:
"loadbalancer_rule": {
"patterns_default_loadbalancer_rule": {
"backend_address_pool_id": null,
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Answers: 1
Terraform retrieve inbound NAT rules ports
I'm deploying infrastructure on Azure using Terraform,
I'm using modules for a linux scale set an a load balancer and using azurerm_lb_nat_pool in order to have SSH access to the VMs,
I have a need no...
stas L
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LB for multiple Ngnix ingress controllers in private AKS
I have a private AKS cluster, which is running an NGINX ingress controller that has multiple replicas for HA.
I would like to put a proxy/LB in front of NGINX ingress controller in order to have only ...
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Answers: 1