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Cannot import Cosmosdb in databricks
I setup a new cluster on databricks which using databricks runtime version 10.1 (includes Apache Spark 3.2.0, Scala 2.12). I also installed azure_cosmos_spark_3_2_2_12_4_6_2.jar in Libraries.
I create...
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Answers: 2
Group by multiple properties (Gremlin)
I have the following entity
Event (date, severity, other properties)
I want to write a gremlin query which groups the events by date and severity and returns the result in the following format:
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Answers: 1
Azure CosmosDB - Sharding Strategy for georeferenced data?
I have a collection on cosmos for about 1 million documents like this:
"title":"My Happy Bakery",
"address":"155 Happy Avenue, Happy City",
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Extending SELECT projection
I want to extend the documents that I receive from a SELECT clause.
Lets assume a I have a collection that stores documents in the following shape
{"foo": "yeah I am a foo", "...
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Answers: 3