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Get resource from symbolic name array in Bicep
In Bicep I am creating an array of origin groups with a for loop. I want to be able to reference specific values in this array as a parent for another resource.
I'm creating the array like this:
var o...
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Answers: 2
Add RBAC role on a Azure blob storage container with Bicep
I'm deploying an azure datalake gen 2 storage account with bicep.
I want to assign roles (groups) on a containers with bicep (see code below). But I keep getting an error. Can someone help me ?
Ederick Ruiz
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Answers: 1
I've generated resources using Azure Bicep in ADO pipelines. Need to make a new pipeline that will populate the resources with code. Not sure how
I've got a bicep file that has made the following resources: Function app, storage account, app insights, key vault and app service plan, via a build pipeline in Azure Dev Ops Pipelines. I need to pop...
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Answers: 1
Create and Delete Resource Group in Azure using Bicep
Scenario :
I create a main.bicep file containing one resource group :
I scope the command to the subscription and create the resource group.
New-AzSubscriptionDeployment -TemplateFile .\main.bicep
I ...
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Answers: 1