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adb2c {Context:KMSI} always false
I am trying to return "Remember Me" checkbox selected as a claim in Access_token. Setting this under Sign-In technical profile:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="kmsi" AlwaysUs...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Add Forgot password link to email signin with passwordless template
I would like to add a Forgot Password link to the email signin page, like so:
I'm using the passwordless starter pack that splits Phone and Email signups/signins in different screens.
My problem is t...
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Answers: 1
What is the recommended way of linking new local account to existing social account
What would be recommended way to support linking local account to existing social account?
User has previously signed up with social account (Google/Facebook etc.) -
User si...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Azure AD B2C 2FA with SSO without having to verify twice
I have currently implemented the following with custom policies in my Azure AD B2C:
The user signs in with their Office or Google account.
If they have 2FA enabled on their social account, they authe...
Tim Chermin
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Answers: 0