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IOS Archiving fails (React Native) while Debug working fine
Im trying to archive an IOS build.
its working perfectly when running as debug build.
"react-natuve run-ios"
when i try to archive , Its throwing below error.
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Extract files and merge/append them from multiple archives
Any way to extract tar.gz archives appending instead overwriting extracted files?
Apache logs are split like that:
Each archive file contain...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Can't upload/archive iOS app "without latest Swift version" - is this a real problem?
I'm working with iOS developers overseas. I'm not an iOS developer myself.
I currently have an iOS app posted and available in the app store.
I had some work done recently to make a few changes to the...
Sparky Johnson
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Answers: 0
"Archives" section not present in git hub repository setting
I want to include a unity file on git hub. To upload a unity file git-lfs is needed, so we have to enable the include git-lfs under the archive section but the archive section is not found in my repos...
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Answers: 1