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Invalid Swift Support. doesn’t have the correct file type for this location. Static libraries
While appstore uploading I received such error.
libmy1 and libmy2 are imported using xcframeworks.
What is it? How can I resolve it?
Invalid Swift Support. The file, app.ap...
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
Invalid CFBundleSupportedPlatforms value iPhoneSimulator in (DJIWidget) FFmpeg.framework
I cannot upload my app which contains the DJI-SDK, DJIWidget(which contains FFMpeg) to Testflight after updating to Xcode 13. When I try I get:
Invalid CFBundleSupportedPlatforms value. The
Brien Crean
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Answers: 1
Publishing a iphone-only app to the app store
When publishing an app to the app store, it was required to upload screenshots of both the iphone and the ipad for an ios app. When creating my ios app I wasnt focused on the ipad version so when I wa...
Iggi Jimenez
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities error when publishing App & App Clip to App Store Connect
When I try to upload my augmented reality App and App Clip to App Store Connect from my XCode project (XCode 13.3), I get the following error message :
App Store Connect Operation Error
Invalid requir...
Patrick J
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Answers: 0