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CDK drop List always sets the list items from initial index in Angular
I have this cdk Drag drop
<div class="example-container" cdkDropListGroup>
Thus to describe data, one needs to know the extent of variability. This is given by the measures of dispersi...
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Answers: 1
Angular 13 Material menu built dynamically not working properly
I need to have a category / sub-category selection component (mega menu).
I looked through numerous examples and also found an adequate implementation example, downloaded it, ran and saw it has the sa...
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Answers: 0
Change default gray palette dark mode color in Angular Material
is there any way to change the default gray palette in angular material?
I want to change the entire dark mode gray color in the material to a custom color, for example, Slate color in Tailwindcss
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Answers: 2
Angular 10 Call backend API with query param use_cache:false only once at load or refresh. at other time use_cache:true
I have an backend python api which uses flag use_cache which caches data pulled from datastore.
In Angular 10 Frontend, we call this api with use_cache: false for now but takes 7-10secs to load withou...
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Answers: 0