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How to prevent removing accessibility focus from a bottom sheet?
I need to open a bottom sheet with some content, and I want the accessibility focus to stay in that bottom sheet. I've tried to open the sheet in a view, in a separate fragment, in a PopupWindow, but ...
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TimerTask inside of onDraw() Android
I have an Android application that I am working on with Android Studio. I have a custom view that gets rendered from another activity. Inside of the custom view's onDraw() function, I schedule a new t...
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Answers: 0
How can I make Local view round in Agora?
I created customed RoundSurfaceView, and then,
val surfaceView = RtcEngine.CreateRendererView(baseContext) as RoundSurfaceView
and then, I got this error.
java.lang.ClassCastException: io.agora.rtc.v...
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Answers: 1
How to make custom notification view with jetpack compose?
I wanted to make a custom notification view with content being updated in interval of time. The custom view might contain the action button. In android documentation, we can create custom view using X...
Jeevan Rupacha
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Answers: 1