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Android 11: ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE get absolute Folder Path
Since Android 11 restricts the freedom accesing the external storage, I've looked many solutions to convert following path which I receive from ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE intent: content://
Savan Luffy
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Trying to copy image one folder to another folder using contentResolver in android 11 but it create blank image
i m working on an application where i have list of images inside recyclerview and from recyclerview i have to copy my images from one folder to another folder my code is working fine in many android 1...
patel jignesh
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ContentResolver (Client App) Can't Get Data from Content Provider (Server App)
I m new to android development. so please accept my apology in advance for any simple questions.
My Content Resolver app (Client App) can't get the data from Content Provider (Server App). It is worth...
Shahid Hussain
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Answers: 0
ContentResolver from ProviderTestRule doesn't notify ContentObserver
I'm trying to test my Flow based ContentResolver extension function:
abstract class Query {
abstract suspend fun runQuery(): Cursor?
private val mainThread = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
Frank Egan
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Answers: 0