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Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:compile (default-compile) on project ambari-server: Compilation failure
Trying to install Apache-Ambari on linux RHEL8 by running the following command:
mvn -B clean install rpm:rpm -DnewVersion= -DbuildNumber=388e072381e71c7755673b7743531c03a4d61be8 -DskipTests ...
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Answers: 1
Apache Ambari retired. What next?
Apache Ambari moved into the Attic in January 2022.
So Apache Ambari has retired, and the only reliable alternative that I know is Cloudera Manager, but Cloudera Manager is a paid service and because ...
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Answers: 3
How can upload large files to the Horton work Sandbox HDP 2.6.5
Is there any solution dor the error "request Entity Too large"
When try to upload file the size more than 200Mb using
Hortonworks Sandbox 2.6.5?
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Answers: 1
Spark cluster is not dynamically allocating resources to jobs
The cluster is HDInsight 4.0 and has 250 GB RAM and 75 VCores.
I am running only one job and the cluster is always allocating 66 GB, 7 VCores and 7 Containers to the job even though we have 250 GB and...
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Answers: 1