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ValidationException: The provided key element does not match the schema with primary key and sort key
Using "aws-sdk": "^2.1063.0" and nodejs 12
Inside my lambda I am doing an update to a dynamodb table.
My table has a Primary key: JobUID type string and a Sort key type string.
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Answers: 1
AWS DynamoDB What datatypes are supported by @DynamoDBDocument?
So, I am trying to annotation an attribute of a table as a @DynamoDBDocument to store the object in my table. I'm thinking the actual attribute datatype would be a String [S] but, wanted to confirm th...
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Answers: 1
Authorization errors when starting a Loki pod
This morning I discovered that Loki stopped working in the EKS cluster
In the loki pod logs I see the following:
level=error ts=2022-04-07T10:44:43.298418416Z caller=table_manager.go:233 msg="err...
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Answers: 1
I am building a React app which can convert any video to text. For that I am using AWS Transcribe and DynamoDB
So I am building an application on React which converts user videos into text using AWS transcribe and saves it to the database. I thought of using an AWS dynamo table as a database but I am completel...
Ashish Maurya
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Answers: 0