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Delivering downloadable content to Android application in Unity (loading with Addressables)
I have a rhythm game that I am almost finished working on but have hit a bit of a snag. We have an in-app store where users can purchase additional "song packs" for money. These packs contai...
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Answers: 1
Download an Unity Addressable bundle in background for iOS
TLDR: Is there a way to download the addressable bundle in background for iOS if the user starts the download and then goes to home screen or opens up another app?
I have a game that allows ...
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Answers: 0
Unity Addressables Settings missing "Build Addressables on Player Build" setting
I'm using the Addressables system to both load a local addressable asset and a remote addressable asset. I can sometimes load the local asset, but not the remote asset.
But that's beside the point. In...
Knight Steele
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Struggling to correctly get download progress from a Unity Addressables asset load
I am trying to download a prefab using the Unity Addressable system. The address is located on a remote server and I have my addressable system set to pull from that remote server. The code below load...
Knight Steele
Votes: 0
Answers: 2