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How to use Vite HMR API with Pixi.js
I'm trying to use the Vite HMR API to create a Pixi.js app that hot reloads without resetting its state. The high-level idea:
main.js initializes Pixi.js so an imported function update() is run every...
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Answers: 1
How to load multiple images with parcel?
I have a pixi.js app that depends on multiple images which are inside a folder and i want to use parcel bundler. I can import them one by one (import logo from "./color/btc.png" works as exp...
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Answers: 1
How to use Pixi.js with Haxe
I am new to Haxe and I want to use Pixi.js with haxe. But, the code found on github is able to load the image. CORS policy error is getting each time?
Hrishabh Mishra
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Answers: 1
Pixi.js how to mask one image with other image
sorry for the amatuer question, I'm really new to Pixi.js
Well, I'm trying to make a scratch card.
There will be two image, one for background("A"), and one for hidden background( "B&qu...
Justin Seo
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Answers: 1