1 year ago




Using Uncompyle6 library with virtual environment (virtualenv )

I'm creating virtual environment with virtualenv library.I want to decrypt the .pyc extension file.The purpose of me using this library is that Uncompyle6 library doesn't support python 3.9 it yet.

I installed the 3.8.0 version of python in the virtual environment.Then i installed Uncompyle6 library.

Up to this point there was no problem.When I checked the python version in terminal, it showed 3.8.0

uncompyle6 file.pyc > file.py

When I run this code I get the following error.

RuntimeError: Version 3.9 is not supported.

My questions is:

Why doesn't it reference my version of python in the virtual environment? and

How can I run it with the python version I installed in the virtual environment?





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