1 year ago



Eric Petela

Store addEventListener in variable in JS

I am making a rock, paper, scissors game and I am trying to store some text in a variable when a click event takes place using addEventListener (when a user clicks a button to select either 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors) but when I console.log the variable I get 'undefined'. I have a return statement in there and if I console.log within the arrow function and click the button I get the right result but outside I am getting undefined. Here is the code I have

let playerRock = document.querySelector('#rock');

let rockChoice = playerRock.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    let choice = e.target.innerText
    console.log(choice) // returns "Rock"

    return choice   

console.log(rockChoice) // returns "undefined"

I have another function that grabs the text from the button when I click it and then puts it on the screen so I know e.target.innerText works to some extent. Here is that code:

function getAndDisplayText(e) {
    let choice = e.target.innerText
    displayPlayerChoice.textContent = choice;
    let computerChoice = computerPlay()
    displayComputerChoice.textContent = computerChoice
    versus.textContent = "vs:"

playerRock.addEventListener('click', getAndDisplayText)

Any help or insight is much appreciated




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