1 year ago




HTTP Request Header Authentication and user role update

I'm using the authentication filter HTTP Request Header Authentication in my server. The problem is when I update a user role, the authentication filter doesn't know that I did an update. In this way, I need to save a Security Authentication settings in the GeoServer Portal to make the authentication filter know that it had an update.

For instance:

The user guest has access to the layer layerabc:

request: curl -v -u secret:guest -G "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/workspace/wms?request=GetMap&layers=workspace:layerabc&bbox=-10478599.333558243,5136568.300763845,-10473707.363747992,5141460.270574097&width=256&height=256&srs=EPSG%3A3857&format=application%2Fvnd.mapbox-vector-tile&TILECOL=1954&TILEROW=3045"

response: Status 200 OK

If I remove the guest access to layer layerabc, I'll keep receiving Status 200 OK until I go to the GeoServer Portal > Authentication Menu > Click Save.

Is there a way to make the authentication filter know automatically that I have updated a user role?


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