1 year ago




How to instruct the QuarkusApplication to wait until the reactive vertx MySQLPool completes the execution of executeBatchAndForget statement?

We have a requirement to load a huge file to MySQL DB. I have written a simple QuarkusApplication with quarkus-reactive-mysql-client to execute a executeBatchAndForget to batch import the records into the DB. I see the below error, which suggests that the Main application has stopped, and hence the pool is closed.

ERROR [io.qua.mut.run.MutinyInfrastructure] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) Mutiny had to drop the following exception: io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable: Pool closed

I could use executeBatchAndAwait which kind of eliminates the reactive nature of the application, hence avoiding it.

Is there a way to stop the Main application from closing until the MySqlpool finishes the processing?


I have tried a work-around. Say for example if I have n batches (number of records / batch size) and if I run executeBatchAndForget() for n records and then run executeBatchAndAwait() for the remainder, the application seems to be waiting to complete all inserts. In case of no remainder, an executeAndAwait() of SELECT statement also seems to work.





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