1 year ago
Will Comeaux
AutoFac - Resolve But Pass Specific Constructor Value
I need to scan an assembly and, for each type that implements some interface (let's say IFoo) I need to register it with the container for later resolution. Say I have an IFoo class that takes 2 parameters in an assembly
public class MyFooA : IFoo
public MyFoo(SomeRandomObject o, ILogger logger)
I have already registered ILogger with the container, and I need to resolve IFoo from it, but at resolution, I need to provide SomeRandomObject o (this can't be in the container). I should only have one implementation for the IFoo so I don't need to specifically name it (at least not yet)
Also note that the implementation of IFoo is found via reflection and the number/type of parameters it has is unknown until it's found.
How do I register and resolve these?
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