1 year ago




Floating Point Error in script, which computes a side plane

I have already searched stackoverflow and used different approaches like scipy special library to fix this error, but without success. I always get the Message: "invalid value encountered in double_scalars".Maybe someone can figure out the code snippet and tell me how to do the calculation with floating point numbers.

for i in xrange(0, int(grid_size/2)):  # i -> row (y-axis velo plane / x-axis image plane)
        for j in xrange(0, i+1): # j -> col (x-axis velo plane / y-axis image plane)
            # Compute plane coords
            x_min = cell_size * j
            x_max = cell_size * (j + 1)
            y_min = cell_size * i
            y_max = cell_size * (i + 1)

            max_angle = np.arctan(y_max / x_min) if x_min !=0 else np.pi/2
            change_angle = np.arctan(y_min / x_min) if x_min !=0 else np.pi/2
            min_angle = np.arctan(y_min / x_max) if y_min !=0 else 0
            num_hor_rays = (max_angle-min_angle)/hrad_res

for p in xrange(0, nplanes):
                current_hangle = min_angle
                current_vngle = lowrad_angle + p * vrad_res

                # Trace ray
                # Side plane
                while current_hangle < change_angle:
                    y = y_min
                    **x = np.cos(current_hangle)*y/np.sin(current_hangle)**

The problem is that in x are stored values, that produce a large number. Would be nice if someone could help me, Thanks a lot




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