1 year ago
Gerardo Festa
Establish which version/tag a commit contributes to
In a commit based research for Software Engineering, the first task I've been asked to do is to link every commit to a version. So, per say, every commit that happened between version 1.1 to 1.2 would be seen as 1.1.
Now, to do so, I got all tags from the repo (they are multiple, but let's focus on Apache-Cli) with the date they've been created, and proceded to assign each commit just by confronting the dates.
Using Pydriller tho, the numbers don't match. So, for example, for the tag refs/tags/cli-1.2-RC6
, my method retrieves just 3 tags, being:
as the date for the tag is Mar 11 02:28:29 2009 +0000
Whenever I use Pydriller, passing to it the first and last commit of the version (being aa... and f0...), it will analyze 124 commits and only f0... between the above 3 will be in the list.
For what I've undestood, Pydriller follows a "tree structure" or something like that and altough I know i could use it with a list of commit (so I'd be fine with that) I guess my starting tag retrieving/assigning methodology is wrong.
Can you give me any advice on how to perform this task?
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