1 year ago
Hoang Viet Nguyen
GORM Associations Preload not work with primary key ID int = 0
I have two models below
type Bot struct {
Name string
ExchangeID uint
Exchange Exchange
type Exchange struct {
Image string
Status string
It means a Bot belongs to an Exchange.
In my database, i have a row with id = 0 in table "exchanges" and many rows with exchange_id = 0 in table "bots".
The issue is that Preload in Bot queries not work for rows that have exchange_id = 0. It works well with rows that have exchange_id = 1,2,3...
Has anyone met this issue? I think it's gorm issue with special value 0. I'm working around by declaring ExchangeId in Bot and Id in Exchange as string but it has some tradeoffs.
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