1 year ago
How can I combine a cdkDragDisabled with an cdkDragStarted?
I have some draggable elements. Some of them aren't movable. If the user tries to move them, I want to show an alert, that explains, why you cannot move this element.
I already disabled the movement of those elements, but I think cdkDragDisabled blocks the cdkDragStarted, since the drag doesn't "start". I somehow solved this by clicking on the element, but is there a chance to get the alert, when you try to drag the element?
Here is some minimal code example:
<ngb-alert #selfClosingAlert *ngIf="movingAlert" type="info" (closed)="movingAlert = ''">{{ movingAlert }}</ngb-alert>
// ...
<ng-container *ngFor="let elem of elements">
<a class="dragelem" cdkDragLockAxis="y" cdkDrag [cdkDragDisabled]="notMovable(elem)" (cdkDragStarted)="changeMovingAlert(elem)">
<div cdkDragHandle><i class="fas fa-grip-vertical"></i></div>
// ...
The changeMovingAlert(elem)
only triggers if the elem is notMovable.
If I change (cdkDragStarted) to (click) everything works. But not the way it should do.
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