1 year ago
Chris Jones
My code fails with, "ValueError: Marker location must be assigned when added directly to map.", and I don't quite understand why or how to fix it
I am working on Launch Sites Locations Analysis with Folium using a spaceX dataset, and I am trying to create Marker Clusters, because they are good way to simplify a map containing many markers having the same coordinate. I created a Marker Cluster Object and assigned a color to launch outcomes.
Also, the only columns in my dataframe right now are: "Launch Site", "Lat", "Long", "Class", and "marker_color".
Now, the question is: "for each row in spacex_df data frame, create a Marker object with its coordinate, and customize the Marker's icon property to indicate if this launch was a success or fail".
My Code:
import folium
import wget
import pandas as pd
from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster
from folium.plugins import MousePosition
from folium.features import DivIcon
def assign_marker_color(launch_outcome):
if launch_outcome == 1:
return 'green'
return 'red'
spacex_csv_file = wget.download('https://cf-courses-data.s3.us.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/IBM-DS0321EN-SkillsNetwork/datasets/spacex_launch_geo.csv')
spacex_df = pd.read_csv(spacex_csv_file)
spacex_df = spacex_df[['Launch Site', 'Lat', 'Long', 'class']]
launch_sites_df = spacex_df.groupby(['Launch Site'], as_index=False).first()
launch_sites_df = launch_sites_df[['Launch Site', 'Lat', 'Long']]
marker_cluster = MarkerCluster()
spacex_df['marker_color'] = spacex_df['class'].apply(assign_marker_color)
for index, record in spacex_df.iterrows():
marker = folium.Marker(location = [record['Lat'], record['Long']],icon=folium.Icon(color='white',icon_color=record['marker_color'])).add_to(marker_cluster)
I have tried creating a variable called coordinates, where I can store the latitude and longitude columns of the df, then save that coordinates value to the location parameter necessary in folium.Marker(), but not even that worked. I am a little confused and would love any type of help!
Once again, my error message is, "ValueError: Marker location must be assigned when added directly to map. <folium.folium.Map at 0x7f11f92cd310>".
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