1 year ago



sravan ganji

how to handle Destructuring assignment if the property is not available?

i have a function to format the date object (especially zip code (converting from 12345-678 to 12345)), because i need to compare 2 address objects(for ex: physical address and mailing address ).

 formatAddress(address: any) {
    const { country , addressType , ...addressCopy } = address;
    const { postalCode } = addressCopy;
    const formattedPostalCode = postalCode && postalCode.split('-')[0];
    addressCopy.postalCode = formattedPostalCode;
    return addressCopy;

i am destructing the address and removing the country and addressType because mailing address object has the extra country , addressTypeto compare with physical address.

but when i pass the phyical address to formatAddress function , it is failing because it doesn't have country , addressType , how to fix this and can we assign undefined to country , addressType if the address doesn't have country , addressType keys.





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