1 year ago
How to fix undefined symbol errors in swift?
Recently I got to work on a Swift project on a mac with a M1 chip. This project uses the normal swift package manager but also has Moscapsule (https://github.com/flightonary/Moscapsule) manually installed. Therefore it gets compiled before all other dependencies and the app the package is used for. If you compile and run the app on an iPad-Simulator you need to tell the Moscapsule target to compile for x86_64 architecture because it uses a x86_64 iPad simulator. This works absolutely fine.
Then I tried to compile and run the UI Tests for the app. Now the compiler failed to build the app because the compiler needs the Moscapsule framework compiled for arm64 architecture.
I thought: Ok no problem, then compile it for arm64 architecture. But then I get these errors: The interesting thing to mention is that if I compile the app or the UI Tests for a real arm64 device (iPad Pro with M1 Chip) there is no problem at all.
Did one of you have a similar problem already and has a solution for me?
Thank you!
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