1 year ago
can i controll the @Valid, @Transactional order in the web tier
public class GoodsController {
private GoodsDao goodsDao;
private GoodsService goodsService;
public String test1(@RequestBody @Valid GoodsSaveParam goodsSaveParam) {
goodsDao.selectOne(new QueryWrapper<Goods>().eq("code", goodsSaveParam.getGoodsCode()));
return "test1";
public String test2(@RequestBody GoodsSaveParam goodsSaveParam) {
return "test2";
public class GoodsSaveParam {
private String goodsCode;
private String goodsName;
public class GCValidator implements ConstraintValidator<GC, String> {
private GoodsDao goodsDao;
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
goodsDao.selectOne(new QueryWrapper<Goods>().eq("code", value));
return true;
public class GoodsService {
private GoodsDao goodsDao;
public void updateById(@Valid GoodsSaveParam goodsSaveParam) {
goodsDao.selectOne(new QueryWrapper<Goods>().eq("code", goodsSaveParam.getGoodsCode()));
I have a GoodsController
and write 2 test method(test1 and test2) implement the same logic(each logic query the same thing twice) except the annotation location, i mean the @Transational
and @Valid
,in the method test1, the validator and test1's login is not hit the cache. in the test2, i wrap the query login into a class and put @Valid
into its'method signature, so the second can hit the session cache. the test2 is obvious call that the validator must be in the transanction. So if there have any method for user to implement same effect in form.
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