1 year ago
Weird behavior with busybox grep and wget in alpine linux
I'm trying to grep a string from wget --help
, I want to check if implementation of wget support my desired option.
wget --help | grep -q '\--show-progress'
I expect if the command failed, it will return non-zero exit code-- this is my intention. But executing this on Alpine Linux 3.13 give following result.
~ # wget --help | grep -q '\--show-progress'
BusyBox v1.32.1 () multi-call binary.
Usage: wget [-c|--continue] [--spider] [-q|--quiet] [-O|--output-document FILE]
[-o|--output-file FILE] [--header 'header: value'] [-Y|--proxy on/off]
[-P DIR] [-S|--server-response] [-U|--user-agent AGENT] [-T SEC] URL...
Retrieve files via HTTP or FTP
--spider Only check URL existence: $? is 0 if exists
-c Continue retrieval of aborted transfer
-q Quiet
-P DIR Save to DIR (default .)
-S Show server response
-T SEC Network read timeout is SEC seconds
-O FILE Save to FILE ('-' for stdout)
-o FILE Log messages to FILE
-U STR Use STR for User-Agent header
-Y on/off Use proxy
~ #
No matter what I do, it still print the whole --help
section. Is there any workaround ? Im using Alpine Linux 3.13
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