1 year ago



DeAssis Filho

React setState don't saving List of components that acess localStorage

My project is a Stopwatch written in typescript, using React and restore last session with the localStorage's browser. Detail of functionalities on the git repo README.md. The states stopwatches, restoredStopwatches and sessionRestored on src/Stopwatch/controller.tsx are not updating correcty on React's setSate().

Principally the restoredStopwatches state are not updating when using Stopwatch component on src/Stopwatch/index.tsx (Therefore this the restore of last sessions are not working fully, just set on stopwatch). I have tested with other test simple component and runned perfectly. The others states are not working on looking the chrome's debugger runnig.

Declaration of states (src/Stopwatch/controller.tsx)

  const [stopwatches, setStopwatches] = useState<JSX.Element[]>([]);
  const [restoredStopwatches, setRestoredStopwatches] = useState<JSX.Element[]>([]);
  const [sessionRestored, setSessionRestored] = useState<boolean>(false);

Use example of setState

  function restoreStopwatch(uuid: string) {
    const lastUnusedSessionsUUIDs = getLastUnusedSessionsUUIDs(
    if (
        (lastUnusedSessionUUID) => uuid === lastUnusedSessionUUID
    ) {
      console.log(`not restored stopwatch, with uuid ${uuid}, not used`);
    } else {
        <Stopwatch key={uuid.slice(5, 8)} uuid={uuid} />,
      console.log(`restored stopwatch, with uuid ${uuid}`);

I think that is because the Stopwatch access localStorage and the component is heavy to the setState run on correctly time (even being asynchronous).

I tried to moved code from src/App.tsx to src/components/Stopwatch/controller.tsx expecting turn less heavy the code, but not worked on.





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