1 year ago
Dynamic require() in pkg (node.js)
IMPORTANT: If you want to help me or you have the same issue discuss it here: https://github.com/vercel/pkg/discussions/1580
I'm writing a node.js app which downloads repositories from GitHub at runtime. These contain javascript files which I require at runtime. But now I want to package my code into an executable using pkg, but I read that I can't just simply require packages at runtime using pkg. So my question is: How can I require these files at runtime? I'ts important for me to access its exported function, as I need to pass variables into it. Here is an example dynamically downloaded file:
module.exports = function PluginServerSideRenderer (app, dir, config) {
* app is the express app
* dir is the current-working-directory of the server or mostly the root
* config is the config.json file as a javascript object
app.get('/__plugin-template__', (req, res) => {
// Uncomment if user must be logged in to access this page
// if (req.session.loggedin !== true) return res.redirect('/login') // Login Check
res.send('Hello World from the Plugin-Template!')
Normally I would use this code to import these files:
// Plugin Server Side Renderer
const plugindirx = path.join(dir, '.tvt', 'plugins')
const files = fs.readdirSync(plugindirx)
const activeplugins = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(plugindirx, 'active.json'), 'utf8').toString())
for (const plugindiroutoffiles of files) {
if (plugindiroutoffiles === 'active.json') continue
if (!(activeplugins[genFileName(plugindiroutoffiles)])) continue
const filesx = fs.readdirSync(path.join(plugindirx, plugindiroutoffiles))
const ssrfile = path.join(plugindirx, plugindiroutoffiles, filesx[0], 'serverside.js')
require(ssrfile)(app, dir, config, Logger, IServConfig)
// End Plugin Server Side Renderer
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