1 year ago




Error: element (body) is not in DOM or there is no element(body) with text "NameTest000"

I am doing an assignment and have to create a smaller version of ecomerce website. To test it I was given a link to a their autoQA tester which gives me the following problem.

Error: element (body) is not in DOM or there is no element(body) with text "NameTest000" after 4 sec.

This error is given three times for "NameTest001" and "NameTest002". Alonside these errors the last error I was given is:

Element "delete-checkbox" was not found in text|CSS|XPath.

The thing is when I push it on the server it works as it should so I don't understand what exactly I am doing wrong. Can anyone help?

I'll link to the github repository:


I'll also add the image of the errorenter image description here

enter image description here




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