1 year ago




matching two column by numbers, in Knime

I want to “match” two column based on numbers, create new column with those matching True and those not matching is False for example, two column are “Node id” and “IDs”

Node id IDs Matching
DB Query:0:0:188 [(#0), (#188)] for eg, here 0 0 188 are matched so its True
DB Query:197:0:122 [(#197), (#0), (#135)] here 197 0 135 not matched so its False

I want to write query in Column Expression or Rule Engine in Knime, can anybody help ? :slight_smile:

I tried doing it in Column Expression with this query but cant figure it, how to write it further

if (column("IDs").=== 0:0:188 ){



else "False"




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