1 year ago
GCE Disk Utilization Metric Inactive even if Stackdriver is enabled
I have a Compute Engine Instance using a Container-optimized OS. I had setup stackdriver in order to track disk utilization of the VM instance.
I enabled the stackdriver monitoring agent so using the gcloud command
gcloud compute --project=<PROJECT> instances add-metadata <VM_INSTANCE> --metadata=google-monitoring-enabled=true
I also enabled set the google-logging-enabled
metadata to true and have restarted the VM each time I updated the metadata as instructed by GCP Documentation.
Upon doing so, I have confirmed that the following containers are running:
- stackdriver-logging-agent
- stackdriver-metadata-agent
- stackdriver-monitoring-agent
Despite this, the GCP Console Metric Explorer indicates that the metric I aim to track (Disk Utilization) is inactive*. Having said that, my hunch is that there may be a possibility that the logs are not being sent from the VM to GCP.
Any ideas?
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