1 year ago
Flutter AutoRoute: adaptive/responsive nested routes
I am trying to get web based routing to work in flutter with a responsive app. Essentially on a large screen, I want to show a list view and a detail view at the same time, and on a small screen to show either a list view or a detail view, and on both have the url update when an item is selected on the list view. I am using AutoRoute pacakge to do routing, and I can get both the large screen scenario or the small screen scenario to work individually, but they require different routing logic, so I cannot do both.
This router allows me to create the nested large screen layout where the list view and detail view appear on the same screen:
replaceInRouteName: 'Page,Route',
routes: <AutoRoute>[
initial: true,
path: "/books",
name: "BooksRouter",
page: BooksPage,
children: [
AutoRoute(path: ':bookId', page: BookDetailsPage),
RedirectRoute(path: '*', redirectTo: ''),
class $AppRouter {}
This allows me to do a nested layout where they appear on different screens:
replaceInRouteName: 'Page,Route',
routes: <AutoRoute>[
initial: true,
path: "/books",
name: "BooksRouter",
page: EmptyRouterPage,
children: [
AutoRoute(path: '', page: BooksPage),
AutoRoute(path: ':bookId', page: BookDetailsPage),
RedirectRoute(path: '*', redirectTo: ''),
class $AppRouter {}
Is there away to do this so I can do both?
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