1 year ago
How to transfer ownership of file create with service account using Drive API v3
I'm using the googleapis
package in npmjs
to create a spreadsheet as follows:
const { google } = require("googleapis")
const sheets = google.sheets("v4")
const drive = google.drive("v3")
async function run() {
// ....
// auth obtained here
// ....
var resp = await sheets.spreadsheets.create({
resource: {
properties: {
var folder = "1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" // actual folder id omitted
var ssid = resp.data.spreadsheetId
resp = await drive.files.update({
I'm using a service account I created, so as a result when the process is complete, the spreadsheet is owned by googlesheetsuser@some-random-words.iam.gserviceaccount.com. This doesn't seem to prevent me from editing the document, however if I delete it, presumably it is still sitting off in limbo somewhere (if I try to access it before moving it to my folder I get a page telling me to request access, which doesn't make any sense because a service account address isn't a real e-mail and so there's no way for this to succeed!) so I'm not sure if it's even going into a trash can for the service account or if it will sit around on Google's servers forever. Not actually owning the document causes issues so I need to get ownership.
On the other hand, I haven't found any documentation that explains exactly what I need to do to transfer ownership to myself. Google's API seem to leave out a lot of information about exactly what to pass; leaving out important info in the sample source with comments like "TODO: Add desired properties to the request body" is beyond unhelpful! I have found a few examples in other languages using other mechanisms I don't recognize which purport to do at least something close to this, but I haven't been able to glean any useful information about how to do it in my particular setup. I have also found a couple of answers which seem to imply that doing this is impossible as you can't change ownership between domains, in which case I just have no words because obviously leaving it owned by my service account creates issues and leaving it owned by the service account indefinitely just isn't an option so some solution is needed.
How can I wind up with my file (Google Spreadsheet) owned by myself at the end of this process?
Update: Per the suggested by @Kessy, I tried to use this code:
const resp = await drive.permissions.update({
fileId: <fileId>,
permissionId: <id found using list call>,
transferOwnership: true,
requestBody: {
role: "owner",
emailAddress: <my email address>,
type: "user",
I get this error:
Error: The resource body includes fields which are not directly writable.
I don't know which field it thinks isn't writeable. I tried omitting "type" and get the same error. I tried omitting "role" and it complains that this field is required: Error: The permission role field is required.
If I omit "emailAddress" then I don't get the error, but this defeats who whole purpose of the call, which is to transfer ownership to that e-mail address!
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