1 year ago
Leonardo Silva
Problems trying to log in with Google OAuth
I have an Asp.Net MVC project where I set up a user login using Google login credentials. In development environment everything went well, and I was able to log in with my Google user, but in production nothing is working. I'm getting an error like: (Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch) The URI shown in the details is different from the URI that is configured in the Google credentials panel. No matter how many times I change the URI address, the address shown in the details is always the same (http://www.zzonalivre.com.br/signin-google). I already checked that my client_id and client_secret. Everything is the same as the google console. My site runs in a Doker container, I don't know if this is relevant. But anyway, any ideas on how to solve this?
My file with google credentials
My setup code in Startup.cs
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