1 year ago
Manuel Baun
Graphql-js Custom Directive execute in Pipeline
i try to get my head around about custom directives. I use the graphql from neo4j. But I think it is a general question. I need to do the following:
- Query neo4j and construct a string, that serves as an ID. So I use there @cypher directive. This returns a string
- then use this ID and request another endpoint use my custom directive. This will return an array of small objects.
Its basically piping one result of a directive to the other. When writing the transform function for the schema to allow my custom directive, the fieldConfig.resolve
-Function does not get called, when its an graphql interface or type. If i would set the return type of my test
field to String, then the resolve function is executed.
In the resolve function I do my rest request and return the result. Obviously the result is now an array of objects and not a string. Therefore graphql complains about mismatching types.
directive @Rest on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Query {
test: ResultType @Rest @cypher(statement """ some cypher query return string """)
type ResultType {
timestamp: Float
unit: String
value: String
(schema: GraphQLSchema) =>
mapSchema(schema, {
[MapperKind.OBJECT_FIELD]: (fieldConfig) => {
const dirs = getDirective(schema, fieldConfig, directiveName);
const fieldDirective = dirs?.[0];
if (fieldDirective) {
const resolve = fieldConfig.resolve || defaultFieldResolver;
fieldConfig.resolve = async (source, args, context, info) => {
const result = await resolve(source, args, context, info);
const arr = await getArgumentValues(source, args, context);
if (typeof result === "string") {
try {
const response = await axios.get("http://some-rest-endpoint");
const data= response.data || [];
return data;
} catch (e) {
return [];
return [];
return fieldConfig;
Is there a solution or a hint to manage what I try to achieve?
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