1 year ago
How do I create a structured Work Breakdown Structure diagram in LaTeX?
I'm trying to create a work breakdown structure for a project and am having difficulty in getting the correct spacing between the nodes.
This is my current script:
\tikzstyle{ss} = [rectangle, minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black]
\node (start) [ss] {Development of "New Product"};
\node (PM) [ss,yshift=-1.2cm] {Project Management};
\node (MA) [ss,right of = PM,xshift=2cm] {Market Assessment};
\node (C) [ss,right of = MA,xshift=2cm] {Commercialization};
\node (D) [ss,right of = C,xshift=2cm] {Design};
\node (E) [ss,right of = D,xshift=2cm] {Engineering};
\node (EQ) [ss,right of = E,xshift=2cm] {Engineering Quality};
\node (P) [ss,right of = EQ,xshift=2cm] {Procurement};
\node (SQ) [ss,right of = P,xshift=2cm] {Supplier Quality};
\node (M) [ss,right of = SQ,xshift=2cm] {Manufacturing};
Which produces the following output:
I would like to have the text wrapped in the nodes as well, but am not sure how to go about this.
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