1 year ago
How can we implement Face and fingerprint in IONIC 5/Angular with Cordova which works both in IOS and Android
I implemented Biometric with Fingerprint AIO, It works fine for Fingerprint but Face auth is not working, it gives an error while Authenticating message when I try to login using face, Any solution will be helpful.
I am using Ionic 5 with Angular 8, Fingerprint AIO- 5.0.0 Below is the code i am using
return this.fingerPrintAIO.show({
clientId: 'Fingerprint-Demo',
clientSecret: 'password',
disableBackup: false,
localizedFallbackTitle: 'Use Pin',
localizedReason: 'Please authenticate'
async isFingerprintAvailable() {
let result = false;
const promise = await this.fingerPrintAIO.isAvailable();
promise.then((response) => {
if (response === "finger" || response === "face") {
this.presentFingerPrint().then((resp: any) =>{
console.log('Inside success');
}).catch(e => {
console.log('Inside failure on cancel');
result = true;
console.log('fingerprint available : ', response);
promise.catch((error) => {
result = false;
console.log('fingerprint error : ', error);
return result;
Thanks in Advance
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